Saturday, March 27, 2010

Studio Chaos

I pumped out a bunch of my sunset chix prints in anticipation of the next few art sales and my studio is in shambles. I do love to see the prints drying on the line.

Art and chickens, what else?


The 5 hens are reliably laying 3-4 eggs a day. We are so proud!

I guess we'll stop counting at some point...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring's first Strawberry Shortcake

Our beautiful Berkeley weather inspired me to make Strawberry Shortcakes last night-- boy they were delicious. The berries weren't as good as they'll be in a few weeks but the essence came through and ignited spring fever!


Our egg count is: SEVEN!!

We ate scrambled eggs for breakfast and they were incredibly tasty. Truly superior to store bought. Mike coined a term for us "Ultralocs"-- like locavores but our protein originates less than 50 feet from the freakin' stovetop.

The hens are doing well and seem very proud of their efforts. Much brock, brock, brocking and strutting around the coop immediately following an egg lay. I am head over heels for these feathered darlings.

New Paper House Assemblages

I spent a productive day in the studio making little paper house scenes for the forthcoming art sales. The only problem is that I am so in love with the finished products that it may break my heart to sell them. The mat cutting went smoothly -- I didn't screw up a single one. I worked slowly and thoughtfully with no rushing.

I have a few of these up for grabs in my Etsy shop. Also, remember that I can customize these with initials, numbers and special phrases. What a super gift idea! The mats are sized to fit into standard 8 x 10 or 9 x 12 frames.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

More Good TImes at Nizza

Man, we had such fun at Nizza La Bella last night (827 San Pablo Ave. Albany, CA). I think Champagne is the best beverage for a truly bubbly St. Pat's. We took a bunch of pic's but you'll have to visit Lyra's blog to see them as she snapped 'em:

Lyra brought me the most darling little bag of super fresh Swedish Fish. Needless to say, they've been consumed. Weird thing-- I also received an e-mail from the Visit Sweden council this morning?!? And the movie version of "The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo" was released stateside this week. Coincident? You tell me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Our First Little Egg!

Darling Astrid popped out the first egg yesterday afternoon. What a good girl! It is a gorgeous, perfect little brown egg. I whooped and called out to Mike and Char when I discovered it in the nesting box. Astrid stood by and watched us take it. Sort of weird but all the books says that quick removal of a fresh eggs leads to greater productivity. We'll see! We should be deep in the scrambles before long. I can't believe she laid it right in the nesting box. I expected these crazy ladies to set down their treasures any old place. I guess that chicken's have good instincts!

Here is Astrid keeping her eye on us as we take her tiny treasure!
Send me your egg recipes!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chop, chop!

Here is a new print inspired by the gorgeous quilt that Gayle made and donated to the wheelchair basketball fundraiser. Her quilt featured a warm white background with strips of newsprint-type fabric in black and red as the focal point. My print attempts to capture the feel of the rows of script and pattern play. I used dirty teal and rosy red inks instead of black and red. I feel like I resort to black too often and I wanted to avoid the xerox-y look that sometimes infects my letterform designs. I haven't named it yet but perhaps an idea will strike today.

I've got to get down to business with the wine country prints. Mic and I are heading up in in a little over a week to secure some "accounts" and I am as of yet empty-handed! Time to chop, chop.

I have another couple of graffiti prints to kick out and then my brain will be free to toy with the chickens, barns and vines that I have floating around in my mind's eye. Finger's crossed and all ideas are welcomed.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Gilman Street Grafitti Print

I created a transparency using one of my photos of an old broken down building down by the Gilman Street tracks. Great graffiti--I particularly love the name "Edgar" that is evident in the close up shot of the piece. I'm not sure what to do with this series but I am having fun working out the layers and colors.

New Show at TIQUE Salon

Michelle helped me hang a new little show at Tique Salon in Martinez this morning. It looks great and I am so pleased! There will be a little art, wine and cheese night on May 8th with old town Martinez throwing open it's shop doors and letting artists mingle and schmooze the crowds. Maybe even sell a few things!
631 Main Street Martinez, CA across from Starbuck's.
Lisa the owner does beautiful hair cuts starting at $35-- very reasonable!

Also, my stuff is still up at Tresses Salon 1734 Solano Avenue (above Sweet Basil). All the work is framed and ready to be hung on you walls ($20-60).

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"True Stories" New Screen Print

I finally scratched this itch and printed out these weird little prints. I sliced up strips of words, maps and old hand written journal pages and here's what shook down. I don't think I'll sell these but I've got about 8 prints if anyone's interested. I feel lighter--like a dumped a bunch of stuff that has been rattling around in my head onto the page. The story's been expressed and can be put to rest.

RFTB's 44th b-day party

We hosted a fun little birthday party for our dear friend Rick last night and, while I lost big at the poker table, a great time was had by all. The girls entertained us with a stuffed animal circus--hoola hoops and lots of string. Gougeres and pizza and Lyra's beautiful cake rounded out the eats. Here's to you, Mr. Full Tilt!