Friday, January 22, 2010

It's A Boy!

We've determined that dear Phoenix is actually a rooster. He crows at 6:30 am quite reliably and again around 7:30 am and often fires off around 2 pm. We are going to find him a new home in a rooster rescue facility out in Dublin. I'm sure the neighbors will appreciate it! We'll be sad to lose him but we can't have a million little chickies running around.

Here is Vesper, she is a hen:

Friday, January 15, 2010

New Stuff Posted!

At long last, I have posted some new pieces in my Etsy shop! Let's hope some fellow chicken lovers are shopping around for some new art. I am busily at work on a new series of prints featuring strips cut from old books and adverts. Also, I am going to burn a few screens using the photos snapped during the Gilman tracks crawl a few weeks back. Should be great!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


A fellow Etsyian, Amie Roman, has created a blog specifically for Etsy's print making artist community. She was nice enough to invite me to join and I am just thrilled. My interview will be posted in April. Her Blogroll is a great resource for both inspiration and great prints.
Check it out:

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hell's Bells, it's 2010!

I'm back with a renewed pledge to post with more frequency! The holidays are past and it's back to reality and...ART (let's hope). I entangled myself in a conversation about New Year's resolutions at a party a few weeks back and ever since I've been pondering my lack of resolve. Past resolutions have included: Have Better Posture, Be Nice and Keep Clutter at Bay. None of these little promises have really taken hold (though I'm mostly nice). This year, I think I'll keep it simple with "Make More Art."

Here are the chickens feasting on cottage cheese and oats:
Phoenix is still in charge and has begun asserting her status as head of the pecking order with 6 am "crowing". Being a hen, she is not truly crowing but I suspect the neighbors might not like her noise making.